Quick Tip To Liberate You 🕊️

All thoughts have no power without belief.

Cherechi Osisioma


For any thought to be found meaningful, there has to be a belief. Let’s say a thought arises “Man you are worthless right now”.

This thought is just bluffing, it is fishing to see if there is a belief system that it can hook onto. If you do have an internal belief that you are worthless then the thought has found a home. If you have no internal belief systems, you’ll simply internally acknowledge the thought that arose in your consciousness and let it pass like cloudy wisps in the sky ☁️. All thoughts have no meaning without the internal beliefs to sustain them.

Photo by sendi gibran on Unsplash

This same thing applies to actions. Let’s imagine that someone calls you a baboon. You know fully well that you are not a baboon so you laugh and carry on with your day. Now, let’s imagine that you visited the neighborhood zoo recently and a particular baboon had an odd yet striking resemblance to you; you then leave the zoo and as you are carrying on with your day someone calls you a baboon. All hell will break lose. The insults in the two scenarios were the same, the only difference was the beliefs assigned to these actions. (By the way, I am not calling anyone a baboon. Simply trying to use humor to explain the monkey mind 🙊).

Photo by Jamie Haughton on Unsplash

You are fully in control of any belief that you buy into. I know it doesn’t seem that way because a majority of people in society run their belief systems on auto-pilot. They are unconsciously assigning beliefs without being aware of what they are doing, they are asleep. Someone compliments them and they assign a positive belief to this action and happiness ensues, someone makes fun of them and they assign a negative belief to that action and unhappiness ensues. The majority of folks are unconsciously hinging their beliefs on external factors.

Spiritual maturity is taking full ownership of your belief system and not hinging it on external factors but rather on your internal sense of choice. This is your free will power. Your response-ability or ability to internally respond to any circumstance will always be your power. Please stop giving it away to external things or running it on auto-pilot. Exercise this power and take back control of your inner kingdom.

Photo by visuals on Unsplash

I know some folks will say there is no free will, please don’t listen to these people. Yes, a heavy portion of our walk is pre-determined, however, your internal kingdom will always be yours to control. Life is both free will and determinism; it is a dance between what is outside of your control (determinism) and what is in your control (free will).

So next time something gets you super riled up, it’s ok. When you get a chance, take a step back and investigate the belief that riled you up. You can always drop this belief by not buying into it or if you do buy into it, that’s ok. Your choice.

What I am saying might seem difficult if you have been running on auto-pilot for quite some time. If you have been operating on auto-pilot, then it might take some effort and the discipline of mindfulness to drop these belief systems. But eventually, once you have cleaned your consciousness of all beliefs then you can no longer be triggered. At this point, what I am saying becomes much easier. You become like the sky — vast, open, and free. Ever throw paint onto the sky? It’ll rebound immediately onto you.

Ever insult a Buddha Mind? It’ll rebound immediately onto you. Namaste.

Photo by MANH LAI VAN on Unsplash



Cherechi Osisioma

A Cloud Engineer from Google looking to follow my dreams and write about my true passions. I muse on spirituality, philosophy, and all things soulful.